Initial Visit & New Patient Exams

Your first appointment at our office consists of five phases – checking in, full mouth x-rays, gum measurements, a comprehensive exam, and reviewing your treatment plan.

Check In

When you arrive, you will check in with one of our front desk receptionists and you will receive your New Patient Paperwork to fill out. This includes forms for medical history, HIPAA, and other necessary documentation.


Once you complete the forms and return them to the receptionist, a dental assistant will call you back to begin the next part of your appointment. The dental assistant will take your full mouth x-ray, or FMX, which usually consists of 18 individual x-rays.

Gum Measurements

After x-rays are completed, you will have your gums measured by one of our hygienists. The hygienist will use a small instrument around your gum line and call out numbers that are recorded in your patient chart. These numbers indicate the amount of separation between your teeth and your gums and are crucial in determining if you have any periodontal diseases or gum inflammation.

Comprehensive Exam

Once this step is over, you will meet your new dentist! The dentist will introduce themselves and ask if you have any dental concerns such as areas of sensitivity or a desire to have your teeth whitened. The dentist will then perform a comprehensive exam in which they will individually check each of your teeth for decay.

Treatment Plan

Your dentist will then review with you any further treatment that you may require to maintain a healthy smile and prepare a step-by-step treatment plan. Your treatment plan will provide you with an overview of the dental work proposed by your dentist. It also includes an estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses that you will have for each procedure. If you are utilizing dental insurance, you will be able to see a breakdown of what your insurance company is estimated to pay on your behalf.

After your treatment plan is reviewed, one of our scheduling specialists will help you find a day and time that works best for you to come in for the next phase of your treatment. It is important to note that your first visit with us does not include a cleaning with a hygienist. After your first visit is over, we will ask if you would like to stay for your next phase of treatment if there is an opening in our schedule.